That is how I felt today when I read this article by Matt Walsh. Every time I read something of his, I feel like he's writing my own thoughts and feelings. I nod in agreement, share his posts on Facebook and Twitter, and do all I can to keep fighting the good fight.

Like Matt Walsh pointed out in his article, it doesn't seem like much has changed...and I'm blown away by that! HOW can we POSSIBLY live life as usual when there is mass genocide going on in America? Are we REALLY going to continue ignoring this hidden holocaust and scandalous atrocity of murdering children and selling their organs for profit?! Do we really want our legacy to be that of the Nazis??!! C'MON AMERICA!!! Why aren't we jumping at the chance to DO SOMETHING?!
This is why I'm upping the ante. If you need new incentives to help, I'm going to give you some right now! I am willing to make several personal sacrifices based on certain fundraising milestones that I reach. If donating out of the goodness of your heart (or the fact that you can claim your donation as a tax deductible contribution) isn't a good enough reason, I am now committed to doing the following:
- $500 raised - I will go ONE WEEK WITHOUT MAKEUP. Yes, you heard me lol. I can't remember the last time I have done this (if ever). Anyone that knows me knows that I do not go out in public without touching up my face (you'll eventually see why!). On the week that I do this, I will take a picture each of the seven days and share it on my Twitter and other personal social media accounts. I will do this to show my support for uncovering and sharing the real and raw truth about the ugliness and horror of abortion. You can't sugarcoat or glamorize it, folks. I'm sure there will be some that will ask me "why do you look so tired?" or "why aren't you wearing makeup today?" and maybe even "you look so old!" etc....and I will tell them why. I will also be sure to share about it on this blog as well!
- $1,500 raised - I will post a video on my blog (and/or social media) where I draw from a list of names of those who have donated. The winner will receive a free Piyo exercise program (the base kit) from me and a free computer cleaning/tune-up from my husband (references are available regarding his work; he can also tune up your computer remotely if you don't live around here). Chris and I have our regular "day jobs" but we still find time to work these other jobs that we love. Essentially, we both like to keep "machines" running. Just like a computer, if you keep your body strengthened and running efficiently, you will be more likely to function at peak performance. Finely tuned machines work best! An energized body and optimum technology are two things that most people depend on to get through the day so we would like to use our time and talents to help with that! *NOTE* This is limited to United States residents only. The funding page only shows me the name, date, and amount given so if you want to be a part of this giveaway, please email me that you've given (especially if you elected to be displayed as anonymous or if I don't already know you personally). If I don't know who you are, I can't draw your name and contact you for shipping information if you win lol. Additionally, my husband's computer work is only for an in-person or remote cleaning/tune-up. If you need additional extensive/heavy-duty work, computer parts, etc.,you'll have to discuss fees with him.

- $2,500 raised - I will draw an additional name from the list of people who have donated and the winner will receive a bag of Shakeology (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, greenberry, vegan chocolate, and vegan tropical strawberry are the flavors available). Chris will also offer a free computer cleaning/tune-up. *NOTE* Same terms also apply here as previously outlined in the first giveaway.
- $5,000 raised - I WILL SHAVE MY HEAD!! Yes, you read that correctly!! Again, anyone that knows me knows that I value my hair (and look awful with short hair) so this is a BIG DEAL for me to commit to! The way I see it, my hair will come back; but lives lost do not. This will be a great opportunity for me to not only "die to self" but to sacrifice for a good cause and share about defending life when I get asked all kinds of questions. I know that the first assumption will likely have to do with cancer; which is also a cause that is near and dear to my heart. My grandma conquered breast cancer, but didn't win the battle with the skin cancer that she fought later on. My great-aunt, other relatives, and many brave friends have also dealt with this horrible disease; and several are still fighting or have passed away. I hate cancer about as equally as I hate abortion. Both are ruthless, senseless, life-sucking killers that claim countless lives and shatter families. If my hair weren't color treated, I would donate my hair as well. I want those whose lives have been touched by cancer to know that this will be in honor of YOU too! When I reach this goal, I'm sure my empathy, grief, and prayers for all those who have suffered (past and present) will only multiply. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Grandma and strive to fight off tears (I'm crying even as I type). However, I am willing to take on any extra empathy and grief if it means that I've raised awareness (as well as funds) to save and sustain the precious lives of babies, women, and families!

Grace and peace to you, my friends! As I wrap up this post, I want to share with you the video of a song that I heard the other day. I was incredibly encouraged, empowered, and inspired! It's called, "Do Something" by Matthew West. I challenge you to watch and listen to this! It is a heart pounding, fist pumping, inspiring call to action that will remind you that all things are possible! It's quite the anthem! May it inspire YOU to do whatever "something" God lays on your heart. Hopefully, one of those "somethings" will be to donate a dollar or more to reaching my goal for Heartline because it's MY well as OUR something, and HIS something! If life doesn't mean "something" to us, then nothing truly matters at all. FIGHT FOR LIFE! Donate "something" and feel free to share this blog! God bless you!
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