
Friday, January 17, 2025

Sounding Like Love

A couple days ago, the verse of the day in the You Version Bible app was Matthew 5:44. It was very timely. This is because I had just been challenged to pray in that very way the day prior. Though, it was for someone who really wasn't my enemy, but someone who was supposedly on the same side. I don' t know about you, but that seems even harder. For me, it's easier to pray for someone who is rude and hateful when they're unbelievers; rather than those who claim to be a believer. The Pharisees who have "clanging cymbal" attitudes (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) are supposed to "know" better. However, that's just it. They "know" a lot, but how well do they truly "know" HIM? At the same time, however, I very much know what it's like to live in that trap/bondage of legalism, criticism, and judgment. Therefore, I end up reminding myself that I should have MORE compassion when I encounter people that act like a past version of myself (or even a current version when I have moments of regression). I feel embarrassed when I remember my own "clanging cymbal" moments because I know that my "knowing" of Jesus is so much sweeter and deeper than it used to be.  

In another "timely" moment, I realized just how much all of that had been solidified even more. This week, I have finished reading "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom (and also watched the movie and documentary on Prime). I am so struck by so many different things. One of which is how Corrie's sister, Betsie, had a burning heart to evangelize to the Nazis and fellow prisoners; even in the midst of her own suffering. She believed that if someone could be taught to hate, they could also be taught to love. She, Corrie, and their family lived lives that truly sought to imitate Christ. It makes Paul's words really make sense. He talks about being imitators of God; and also of himself as he imitates Christ (Ephesians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 11:1). The Ten Boom family are real life examples of people who did this well. It inspires me to love genuinely; because it's vitally important if we are going to demonstrate the life-changing power of the Gospel and how His love transforms and saves us.

In the past two Sundays at church, the focus has been on the fruit of the Spirit. I want to produce good fruit; and the fruit of the Spirit is something that only Christ can produce. My word, "abide", is key to that production; because my sinful flesh can produce no good thing. So, I prayed for this person (and myself) that the fruit of the Spirit would be what grows in our hearts. I prayed for the ability to love and see the person as Jesus sees them; remembering that I too have been a blind Pharisee and not known it. Even still, I know how easy that trap is and know human pride never makes me immune and guiltless of it. This is why we need to forgive as we have been forgiven and remember that the measure we use is also measured to us as well (Luke 6:36-38). We can deceive ourselves like the rich young ruler with all the rules and good deeds, but there are ALWAYS going to be areas where we are lacking. For that, it requires honesty, surrender, repentance, and obedience to the will of Christ. 

I must choose to overcome evil with good and be kind; for love covers a multitude of sins. I must be a better imitation of the One to which I'm committed to conforming to. People MUST see more of Him and less of myself (John 3:30). I cannot allow the light in me to actually be darkness (Matthew 6:23). I don't want to just make a bunch of noise. I want to be a sweet, melodious, and beautiful sound! That can only happen if I'm filled and fueled by the love of Jesus. I want to be defined by what love is in 1 Corinthians 13; not by what it isn't.

Grace and peace to you, my friends! Pray, surrender, repent, and abide. May we be transformed every day by the renewing of our minds so we can love like Jesus. God bless you!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

My Word for 2025: Abide

In my previous post, I shared about how I had grown in hope (which was my word for 2024) and persevered through a very difficult second half of the year. But, even then, I had no idea that just two days later, I'd be hit hard again. In the early morning hours of December 31st, I was hit with the most horrendous sickness I've had in a long time. Norovirus got a hold of me and I had to stay home (and in the bathroom) almost constantly. When I wasn't on the porcelain throne, and heaving into a bowl at the same time, I was attempting to rest and stay hydrated (which was very difficult; especially with the fever and body aches). I was a good deal better on New Year's Day, but I had slept through midnight and well into the day. Not exactly the ideal picture of getting started fresh in the new year. I felt like I had crawled my way across the finish line of 2024 and dragged myself into 2025. Yet, I am so extremely thankful! I'm here! I made it! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!

As usual, I started seeking my new word for the coming year. On the day after Christmas, I began praying and asking for it to be revealed. The very first thing that came to my mind was the song "Oceans". So, I started listening to it to see what stood out. I felt drenched with peace and assurance as I worshiped and wept. The the words "deep" and "trust" seemed to rise up within me. I thought that maybe, my word was going to be "deeper", and I was prepared and very happy to embrace it. I want more of Him; always. I do want to grow and go deeper. The sweet friendship, fellowship, and intimacy I have with Jesus becomes more rich and precious with each passing year of life that He gives me. 

I continued to pray over the next several days; keeping my spiritual senses open to receive and discern. I noticed that I kept seeing John 15:5 (one of my favorite verses) appear in various places. It caused me to consider that maybe my word would be "abide" or maybe "abide deeper" or something like that. I like to look up numbers that pop up in my daily happenings too; seeing if they correspond with a Bible verse or concordance entry that resonates with my spirit. I visited room number 4116 when I needed to see a family member in the hospital recently. Though, nothing I looked up seemed to really stand out. It wasn't until I noticed that "abide" in John 15:5 is the same word in 1 John 4:16 (technically, it's "abiding"). That seemed to really resonate in my spirit, but of course I asked for more confirmation. I continued to pray and long for more of His comfort and presence, there were two songs that came to mind: MercyMe's "Here With Me" and Newsboys "Presence (My Heart's Desire)"

As I worshiped and bawled once again, I felt the peace, joy, and comfort come as the words of that second song welled up within me: 

Oh Father, come and let Your spirit abide
I long for Your presence
This is my heart's desire

I knew I probably had my word now. However, I asked for more clarity; just in case I had manufactured it in any way. As usual, I just wanted to be more sure. God is so gracious. He answers the seeking heart. Much like with previous words, He usually gives me a VERY obvious (and humorous) sign that it's for real. Other than the song, I don't know that I really said the word out loud in a way that Facebook "heard" me, but in any case, it showed up when I was scrolling again. This time, it was in a very convenient ad for a Christian T-shirt. When I saw it, I pretty much saw Will Smith in my mind presenting it like this lol. "Alright, alright....there's my word!" Facebook got me good....because I actually did end up buying the shirt (and the site offered a "mystery shirt" for 50% off that I was too curious to say "no" to, so we'll see what other shirt ends up coming with it!). The ad also continued to show up in my feed repeatedly; reminding me to finally get around to writing this blog post.  

Now, I'm just enjoying my new word. We probably don't hear it as much as we used to (unless you're my husband and you like to say "the dude abides" because of that ridiculous movie). The first time I recall hearing the word was in the hymn "Abide With Me". As with most hymns I grew up on, it makes me think of my Grandmother singing it as I stood beside her in the church pew. When you "abide" you stay, remain, dwell, and endure. "Abide" is a strong word; a "deep" word, for sure. It's steadfast, certain, and secure. The hymn itself conveys the kind of "abide" that says, "Lord, STAY with me. Don't leave me." Indeed. He will. He will never leave or forsake us; He is with us ALWAYS (Deuteronomy 31:6, Matthew 28:20). Though, we hardly have to beg God to be faithful to stay with us. WE are the ones that need to learn how to "abide". He'll stay with us, but we need to learn to stay with HIM; abiding and remaining in Him and His love. I am very much comforted by the fact that the only "dude" that I need to be concerned about "abiding" is my friend, Jesus. He's always going to be there and He always has been. I pray that I will be faithful to abide as well; staying firm to the end. 

As I contemplate my word for this year, it makes me wonder what all it will apply to beyond just the spiritual sense. Something that has been spoken over me a lot in recent years has been that I'm 'right where I'm supposed to be'. Some changes happen and you have no say in it, but there are other times where you pray and wonder if it's time to make a voluntary change in one area or another. So, it has me thinking if this is another way of telling me that I need to "abide" where I'm at; that it's still not the right time to change things up. I won't go into all the various rabbit holes here, but many know that the obvious one is regarding my job. I have enjoyed many years of working with the best team ever, but that is going to change this Summer when my bosses retire. The rest of us who remain have been waiting and wondering about whether we should "abide" or not; or if the absence of these two wonderful people (who are like parents to me) is going to be too much to handle without them. I keep saying that I won't move unless God tells me to, but a big part of me really longs to go when they go for so many reasons. Yet, the idea of leaving is also almost unfathomable as well. There are just too many pros and cons to sort through. If the Lord really wants me to stay and continue to "abide" at my job of 10 years, I will. But, if "abide" doesn't apply to this situation, I'll also step into whatever it is He has in store for me. A big part of me has been feeling like my time there is winding down and that I have learned and grown in the ways I've needed to and that the Lord is about to use all of those lessons to start something completely new in my life that I'll finally be ready for. I don't know for sure. 

The one thing that I DO know is that I want to keep growing. I want to be FRUITFUL and that comes from abiding. Pastor Roy's message today was just too perfect! He started talking about the fruit of the Spirit; which is one of my favorite things to study. It made me so happy because it only amplifies this beautiful word that the Lord gave me and makes me all the more eager to meditate on it and grow! 

Grace and peace to you, my friends! I pray that we will all have a blessed 2025! I believe we have a lot to look forward to! Give Him 15 has also been very encouraging and has resonated with my spirit a lot (Dutch has been talking about revival and reformation intensifying). Keep praying, persevering, and abiding in Christ! God bless you!