
Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Last Minute

Today, a pastor we are connected with in Alaska was here to preach. He talked about keeping our eyes to the sky and waiting for the day that we are taken away to be with Jesus (which could be any time now)!! The end times are here, people. Look at the signs!! His text for the message was from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11.

In the Bible, Paul talks about the coming day in which we will be gathered up to heaven. Can you imagine what that will be like? It’s a concept so amazing that I can’t even begin to comprehend!! In fact, I don’t even know how I can begin to blog about this or describe it as he can. This is definitely one I will recommend you hear for yourself when it’s uploaded on our church website.

I think the main thing that stood out to me was when he said that God is precise in his prophecies. Everything is carried out to the letter. Have you noticed that? Anything that was foretold and that has been fulfilled thus far has happened EXACTLY as God said it would!! Aren’t you glad that God is so detailed? That leaves no room for vagueness and guessing!!
Therefore, we must all be prepared!! End time prophecies are coming true more and more all the time!! So, if you are waiting until the “last minute” to get saved… aware that this IS the “last minute!”

So, you might be wondering and doubting, “oh really, well, how can we be sure?” The pastor even acknowledged that many just don’t believe in the validity of the Word anymore and that there is that “great falling away” that the Bible talks about. Um, yeah people…….can you see that? We are falling away more and more all the time!! Don’t be one of the fallen!! And, like the pastor said, don’t make the mistake of thinking that the passage of time deteriorates the promises of God. Just because things don’t happen as quickly or progressively as we think or wish it would doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. God’s time is not our time, and God is also patient. Would we REALLY want the day to swiftly come? Are we really ready to see the end? Why are we so anxious to have it fulfilled when there are so many left unsaved? It’s for that reason that I can wait just a little longer, because I wouldn’t want anyone to be “left behind” and neither does God!! That’s why He is giving us every opportunity to turn and repent before that “day” comes. As the saying goes, “feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death.” Search it out for yourself in the Bible and see for yourself that it’s true!! Don’t wait until it’s too late and you are proven wrong and are grieved at the fact that you didn’t believe when you had the chance!

Is today your day? How long will you wait? Missing out on salvation is one regret you can’t afford to have!! 2 Corinthians 6:2 says that NOW is the day of salvation!! PLEASE, DON’T WAIT!!! Take your cues from the Holy Spirit which is tugging at your heart and making it race right now!! God is trying to tell you something! So, please, listen to that urging!! If you are unsure whether or not you are going to heaven, why don’t you make a choice RIGHT NOW for all eternity. Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; confess it with your mouth and believe it in your heart!! (Romans 10:9-10).

If you made that choice and have just become born again, I would like to welcome you to the family of God!! Don’t hesitate to talk to me if you have made that choice. I want to help you take your next step in today’s decision. You don’t have to walk in your faith alone and be left wondering, “Ok, I‘m saved. What now?” Please, contact me and I will walk with you on your journey!! God bless you!!!

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