We all went to The Bread of Life CafĂ© for breakfast. I ate some, but didn’t have much of an appetite. I was feeling rather emotional, but I was able to keep it together. I just couldn’t believe it was all over!
Before we left, we got to browse the gift shop a little. I got a mug for Mitch that had the Galilean Home on it. I got both of the kids a stuffed animal, and for me, I got a bluebird figurine. It reminded me of the blog I had composed about seeing one on the Greenway. It also reminded me of the fact that the bluebird didn’t just exist at the Galilean Home. The “bird” would be coming home with me. The whole experience would be going with me; even though I had to say goodbye to the place, and the people.
The ride home seemed to go by even faster than our trip down there. And, on the way back, we got to see an area that was going to be a children’s home very soon (right here in Indiana!). It’s sad that reasons exist as to why we need to have places like that, but the good news is that the kids that will be coming to the home will have a great “home” to live in. The plans for the children’s home looked great! I am touched by the vision and passion that people have to start things like that!
We arrived home and Mitch and the kids came to get me at the church. It was almost strange to see them, because they suddenly seemed so huge compared to the little babies that I had been with all week lol. They were glad to see me, though, and there were lots of kisses to go around!! Edith (one of the volunteers that came back with us so she could visit her family in Shipshewana) even got to meet my family. She and Kyla were probably the volunteers that I became so especially fond of (though I love them all!). I will miss those two the most!!
As we all went our separate ways, L.A. told us that we had all made a difference in various ways. Though, for me, I felt like the Galilean Home had made more of a difference in me than I ever could for them!!
So, that concludes my blog series about my trip to the Galilean Home! I learned so much! As much as I’ve shared, there is plenty more that I haven’t. It’s impossible to be able to adequately share and articulate the many blessings I experienced while I was there! That is why (whenever we go back - and yes, I’m ABSOLUTELY going back!) I will be taking many of you with me so you can know for yourself! Yes, you heard right!! There were a lot of people I had in mind while I was down there; thinking, “next time I come, I will have to bring them with me!” Mitch and the kids will definitely have to come, as well as lots of other family members that I have in mind. Jama and Jody (and hopefully their husbands and kids) will come too!! I’m also hoping that Shane, Amy, and Holly will want to go! Yeah, those are but a few of the ones that I would want to come (and I hope they would want to too!).
How about you? Would you like to come? Would you like to make a difference (and have a difference made in you)? If so, I encourage you to think about it! Of course, you can volunteer or offer aid with or without a “team” of us going down there!! If anything I’ve talked about has touched your heart, please consider blessing the Galilean Home with your time, money, and donated goods. Visit their website and find the “give now” page to donate through Paypal (or mail them something to their address on the contact page). Your generous donations will allow The Angle House babies like Lyric, Na’Sean, and Abigail to be clothed, fed, and cared for as they wait to be reunited with their Mamas (and if you would, please keep them and their Mamas in your prayers!). Your donations will also keep smiles on the faces of The Blessing House residents like Lance and Amy. They can’t talk, but they certainly speak volumes to your heart!!
Grace and peace to all of you!! It has been my great joy to share my experiences with you in these blogs. Next time, I hope to share my experiences with many of you in person; when we go back to the Galilean Home together!! God bless you all!!
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