That first morning, I was feeling especially blah. I didn’t sleep well and I was still adjusting to everything. People I didn’t know (or know very well) were talking to me, hugging me, and in good moods. Apparently, Phil and Cindy knew I was having a rough time. Cindy later told me that she had told Phil that she wasn’t sure if I was going to make it (LOL). I wasn’t sure I would either!
L.A. got us all set for the day and everyone knew what they would be doing. Maggie and I would be helping with lunch later on, but would first be going up to The Angel House to see all the babies and help out. I felt good about it, because I knew that babies and food were both areas I could handle lol.
Maggie and I went to The Angel House. There was a big room and there were babies everywhere! The first baby I saw (and picked up) was a little guy named Corbin. He was fussin’ in a walker and I was excited about giving him some attention so he wouldn’t have to sit by himself and cry. Some people think babies can be spoiled, but that’s not true. Babies NEED physical touch and comfort. There’s no way you can spoil them! I’ve heard over and over again about babies in orphanages that either have stunted growth (or die) from lack of touch and attention. I’ve heard that orphanages are nearly silent because babies learn that no one is coming for them, so there is no point in crying. That’s really sad!!
With that in mind, I had it in my heart that I would do whatever I could to make sure that I never had to see/hear a baby crying by themselves. There were 10 babies in that house, and with having extra help, that would ensure that for at least a week, they would get tons of individual affection and attention. At least for that week, they would know that they would never have to try to entertain or comfort themselves for long. Someone would always be coming for them, rocking them, playing with them, for more than just the time it takes to feed them or tend to their immediate needs.
It’s also funny how babies sort of pick their favorites (just as the volunteers sometimes do). Abigail adopted Maggie. They were nearly inseparable! For me, Na’Sean and Lyric were my boys more than anything!! Lyric (I LOVE his name!) was a sweet, adorable, blond haired blue-eyed infant; a cuddler and a sweetheart! Na’Sean was funny, playful, ornery, adorable, and sweet!! I wish I could have taken him home with me!! (If you want to see pictures of the babies, just ask because I didn’t feel like I should post their pictures publicly online).
Maggie and I had to leave to help with lunch, but we couldn’t wait to spend more time with the babies! In fact, aside from helping in the kitchen here and there, I spent my entire week helping in The Angel House. If I wasn’t eating or sleeping, I was THERE! LOL
Even though I had thought that everything I had done that day was pretty light, my back and neck didn’t think so. After dinner that night, I told Maggie I was going back to the Mary and Martha house to shower and go to bed (even though it wasn’t that late yet). My pain and fatigue was intense!! The day had been great, but I wondered how I was going to survive the rest of the week if I was going to feel like that at the end of every day. Once again, I wondered what I had gotten into!
I showered and went to bed, but it didn’t last long. I woke up from a bad dream when I heard myself moan out loud. I was crying and hyperventilating and I couldn’t get a hold of myself. My mind was so full. My dreams were crazy! They started out as just a mixture of everyone and everything and then ended with a wild dingo that I was trying to get away from (weird, I know!). What scared me was when the dingo got my son, and that’s what woke me up in a panic.
I was sitting there for a few minutes crying and trying to breathe when Maggie came in the room. She put her arms around me and I told her all about it. Then, she prayed for me. And, in her sweet Maggie style, she told Satan to “go away” lol. I love it when she does that! She is such a pure heart! Right to the point, “Satan, go away, in Jesus name.” God bless her!!
I thanked her and started to calm down. She went to her room, and I started to think a little bit. I was thinking, “that’s right! Go away!” It was starting to become clearer to me just how assaulted I had been, and I remembered how the Eldredges had talked about it in “Captivating”. It was then that I became mad and said, “oh no, I WON’T be havin’ this!” In Jesus name, I prayed and rebuked Satan firmly and declared that he would NOT ruin or taint my week at the Galilean Home!
Before I had prayed, I was a little nervous about trying to go back to sleep. But, after praying, I felt secure. I even said the little “now I lay me down to sleep” prayer and soaked in ever precious word - especially “guard me Jesus, through the night. Wake me with the morning light.” I felt safe, and protected.
I also remembered Phil’s words at breakfast. He was talking about relying on Christ for his strength, and he also mentioned Philippians 4:7 which says: “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Peace. Protection. I knew it and felt it. I also reminded myself of Philippians 4:13. I always remember it when I am exercising, but His strength is for every aspect of my life. I resolved that tomorrow, I was going to start the day by asking Him to pour His strength into me, because I NEED it and can do nothing on my own (John 15:5).
I pondered on God’s Word as I rested and began to fall asleep again. I knew that when I woke up the next morning, it was going to be a better and brighter day……..(to be continued).
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